Hotel La Finca, Coroico

by Lawrence

Perched on a hillside at 1750 meters (La Paz residents). Unfortunately, the area surrounding the town is very disturbed, but remnant forest patches remain. Hotel La Finca, outside of Corioco, on the road to Coripata, fronts one such forest patch. Although the trail network is under-developed, foraging flocks in the forest behind the hotel can be very interesting. The hotel makes a great place to unwind and make morning forays into the forest patches. Birding along the roadside can also be good for Upland Antshikeand even Lyre-tailed Nightjar.

On the drive in, the town of Yolosa from the city of La Paz guide and it certainly serves up a nerve-wracking experience. In a number of places, it is a narrow dirt track, barely wide enough for a single vehicle, with steep drop-offs and even a couple places where the road passes under a waterfall. With heavy, overloaded trucks from the lowlands coming uphill (uphill traffic has the right-of-way), drivers are forced to back up and seek out narrow pull-outs to allow the oncoming traffic to pass. Municipal authorities have experimented with various schemes to try and reduce fatalities on the road (usually due to unsafe speeds and alcohol). For a time, the CoroicoRoad between Chuspipataand Yolosawas one-way downhill from 8AM to 3 PM and one-way uphill from 5 PM to 5 AM. There are frequent buses to Coroicofrom the suburb of Villa Fatima in La PazFor Hotel La Finca, from Coroico, take road toward the hospital (anyone can point you in the right direction). At 0.8 km. Hotel La Finca will be on the left and there is a small sign. Reservations for Hotel la Finca can be made in La Paz GPS reading at La FincaHotel: S 16 14.663 W 67 42.576